Actress: I believed Bill Cosby could have had me killed if I told people he raped me

DETROIT, MI (FOX 2 WJBK)- In an interview on FOX 2's Let It Rip Weekend Sunday, Detroit-raised actress Kathy McKee said she believed Bill Cosby could have had her killed, if she told people he raped her in the 1970s.

Kathy McKee is one of more than 40 women accusing legendary actor and comedian Bill Cosby of raping her. She spoke with Taryn Asher and Charlie Langton on the phone from Las Vegas, Nev.

Details of other alleged sexual assaults were revealed in a leaked deposition from the early 2000s. In these documents, it's alleged that Bill Cosby admits to using Quaaludes to drug women before having sex with them. However, this was not the case with McKee.

McKee was a budding actress, who looked up to Cosby as an influential entertainer. She says she was friends with Cosby, had met his family and wife at various events, and felt comfortable around him.

McKee says the rape happened in the early 1970s at a hotel in Detroit. McKee, who was dating Sammy Davis, Jr. at the time and had just finished performing a show at Pine Knob, said Cosby asked her to bring some ribs to him at his hotel.

McKee says she had her father pick up ribs from Checkers Barbeque and took them up to Cosby at the hotel where he was staying.

When she got to the room, she says he took the ribs, grabbed her aggressively, and raped her while standing right near the hotel room door.

"I was afraid," McKee said she didn't tell anyone for years. "I didn't think that it had happened to anyone else. I was terrified to tell anyone about it."

McKee said she was so afraid, she feared for her life.

"I assumed that when you have that kind of money and that kind of power, if you want a human being to disappear on this planet, it's not very difficult."

Since sharing her story, McKee has had the chance to meet with a group of women who have made similar accusations against Cosby.

McKee is not suing Cosby at this time and doesn't have plans to do so. She decided to tell her story to empower other women who may have faced similar situations in their lives to speak up.

Bill Cosby