American Killed In Suicide Attack from Wyncote Area

PHILADELPHIA, PA - One of the six Americans killed in a suicide attack in Afghanistan yesterday is from our area. Staff Sgt. Peter Taub was stationed in South Dakota, but grew up in the Wyncote area, just 5 miles from Center City Philadelphia.

FOX 29's JoAnne Pileggi tells us more about his family.

When your child, your loved one, your husband or wife is on active duty, and you get a knock on the door from officers in uniform, it is not likely to be good news. A Philadelphia area family experienced that heart wrenching moment this past week

They sat down with JoAnne to talk about their loss.

"I came home late in the afternoon, the Airforce personnel were here, they greeted me at the door as soon as I walked up the sidewalk, I knew, but to actually hear it, can't get my head around it," Joel Taub said.

"He was the best big brother I could ever have and I loved him with all my heart. He grew up to be a wonderful human being that we are very proud of, he and inspiration to many people," Christina Taub, Peter stepsister said.

No day more difficult for the family of Staff Sargent Peter Taub, the 30-year old Montgomery County native was killed along with five other U.S. service members in a suicide bomb attack in Af-ghanistan.

"I thought the air force was the safest of the service, I never ex-pected this situation we are in now," Joel said.

U.S. officials say the six airmen, including Sgt. Taub were target-ed by Taliban fighters as they moved through a village near Bagram Airfield, which is the largest U.S military facility in Afghanistan. Sgt. Taub, a veteran serviceman with numerous tours overseas, was working for the Air Force office of Special Investigations.

A family photo was taken in early October when he left the United States not telling his father and stepmother he was going to Afghanistan because he knew they would worry.

"I really am not proud he took the risk, I'm angry, I'm sad he took the risk," Joel said.

Sgt Taub was married, and had a three year old daughter, and he and his wife were expecting their second child next spring.

"He was excited about a new one coming, he had all his plans, they were picking out names," Donna said.

"I'm going to miss him a lot, he's a hero, he's my hero," Christina said.
The Taub family is headed to Dover Air Force Base for a memorial ceremony tomorrow with the families of the other servicemen who were killed.

Friends of Staff Sargent Taub have set up a GoFundMe page to help his wife and child with expenses.