Astronaut Plans to Run the London Marathon...From Outer Space

A running enthusiast who also happens to be an astronaut doesn't plan to let the 250-mile distance between him and and the earth stand in the way of his hobby.

British astronaut Tim Peake plans to run next year's London Marathon while he's floating in orbit on the International Space Station.

Since he can't make it to the event in person, Peake plans to run on a treadmill with a digital mockup of the 26-mile London course displayed on a screen, the Associated Press reports.

"The London Marathon is a worldwide event," Peake said in a statement. "Let's take it out of this world."

Peake also isn't letting a lack of gravity stop him from running the marathon. The 43-year-old plans to strap himself to the treadmill using a special harness

While this is his first foray into galactic marathons, Peake has run the London race the old fashioned way once before.

In 1999, he completed the race in 3 hours, 18 minutes, 50 seconds--but don't expect him to do as well from space.

"I don't think I'll be setting any personal bests," said Peake, who is hoping to finish in less than four hours.

Peake will be monitored by a medical team charged with ensuring he'll be in top shape for when he returns to Earth.

He is set to take off Dec. 15.

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