Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium holds 24-hour vaccination clinic

Philadelphia is holding a 24-hour vaccination clinic being hosted by the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium.

Numb toes and no bathroom but Juanita Hamilton says every minute of this for more than nine hours was worth it. 

"I don't want to die and I don't want to get sick because I'm a home health aide and I don't want to take it back to my clients," Hamilton said.

The clinic is first come first serve through noon Saturday and requires that you live in one of 19 Philly zip codes or fall into the IA or IB phase.

The founder of Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium Dr. Ala Stanford says 900 people were already in line when they opened Friday.

"I expected a lot. I don't know that I expected this," she said.

As of 7 p.m. Friday, they vaccinated about 1,000 people. Dr. Stanford says they prioritize getting the elderly inside first.

"It spoke volumes for me, for my community to come out like they're coming out, showing that black people do want to get vaccinated," Gloria Buchannan said.



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