Bystander struck by gunfire in Southwest Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) Police say an innocent bystander was struck by gunfire in West Philadelphia Tuesday morning.

It was just before 11 a.m. Tuesday, Ken Coston was sitting on his front porch in the 800 block of Cecil Street when suddenly gunfire rang out.

Coston quickly ran inside. When the barrage of gunshots ended, he peeked out and saw 30- year-old construction worker, Harry Banos,bleeding heavily. Police say Banos was an innocent bystander caught in a hail of gunfire.

Stephen Hasson is Banos's co worker, they are rebuilding two homes on the block.

Police say the shots came from a passenger in a burgundy car that pulled onto the block and stopped in front of a home.

"The male with the gun starts firing. We believe as many as eight shots were fired," Southwest Detectives Lt. John Walker said.

The car sped off and Coston called 9-1-1.. Banos was raced to Penn Presbyterian hospital's trauma unit. Detectives searched the area for surveillance video of the getaway car .

"You got this poor construction worker trying to make a living, takes a bullet to the leg, and now he's sitting in the hospital in critical condition," Lt. Walker said.