COPY-Police release body-cam showing McNabb DUI arrest
Gilbert Police have released police officer body-cam footage that shows officers arresting former NFL star Donovan McNabb for impaired driving.
The video shows McNabb's interaction with Gilbert officers who arrested him on June 28, after he rear-ended another car.
He was polite, followed orders, and didn't appear to be extremely intoxicated.
McNabb denied he had been drinking, even after the officer told him he could smell alcohol on his breath.
In McNabb's trunk they found a bag full of cash and a full bottle of tequila.
Police were called to the scene after McNabb rear-ended a woman who is married to a police officer.
McNabb reportedly failed a field sobriety test and when officers contacted him he had cough drops in his mouth.
Court records show this is McNabb's second arrest for DUI, his previous case he pleaded guilty. He served one day in jail after pleading guilty to that arrest from December 2013.