COVID-19 pandemic prevents people from visiting loved ones in senior care facilities

Ann’s Choice Senior Living Community closed its gates to non-essential visitors, including FOX 29’s Hank Flynn when he tried to visit his father Friday in an effort to prevent exposing its residents to the COVID-19 disease. 

One member at the security gate followed protocol and refused to let him in, apologizing as he turned him away.

And there was nothing that Hank could argue about. Governor Wolf and the officials in Harrisburg made the decision for senior centers to close their doors and Ann’s Choice was just following through.

The COVID-19 pandemic is preventing Hank and family members from seeing his father.

And while Hank is appreciative of the coronavirus precautions, he wants this thing over with ASAP.

When he met up with Dr. Mike, the medical professional taught him the Wuhan Kiss greeting. He understood Hank wanted to see his father but told him to buck up.

“The fact is, if we have to make sacrifices, like not going in to a nursing home or a facility to see your Dad, who I know you love and I get that. It’s a price that we have to pay now to decrease that number of cases and reduce the risk by socially isolating.” Dr. Mike explained. “And that’s what we need to do right now, Hank, unfortunately.”

As it turns out, his dad was napping when Hank called but he eventually got him on Facetime.

FOX 29’s Hank Flynn figures if this is happening to him and his family, it might be happening to yours too.

It’s hard but we’ve got to keep our big people pants on, science knows the best way out of this. Science must rule the day, not emotions if we want the pandemic to end. So, keep your phones charged and do your best to stay in touch with family through phone calls – and that’s Hank’s Take.

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