Dallas demolishes house where 13-year-old Shavon Randle died

The home where a vicious double-murder happened involving a missing 13-year-old girl was torn down in Dallas on Thursday morning.

Dallas Mayor Pro Temp Dwaine Caraway met with 13-year-old Shavon Randle's mother and other family members before the house on Kiest Boulevard was demolished. The vacant house has long been a neighborhood sore spot and the victims' family members said they were ready to see the "house of horrors" come down.

The house has been boarded up since Randle and Michael Titus were found dead there in July. Randle was kidnapped from her aunt's home and Lancaster. Police called their murders retaliation over stolen drugs by another relative.

Randle's mother Shaquna Persley and other family members said they were happy the day had arrived, but that they're still dealing with the death of Randle.

"I've been having many mixed emotions about the whole situation…like how am I supposed to feel," Persley said. "We go through stuff every day... ya'll, you just don't know."

Cynthia King, the teen's great aunt, said it was time for the home to come down.

"As you can see in the morning time we have these young teenagers. They walking by going to school and this is something they have to see on a daily basis. It's not fair to them. We as family, we drive to our different destinations every day. So we have to drive by this godforsaken house. After today we won't have to see it anymore," King said.

As the house came down some of Randle's family members held up signs with phrases like "Say her name" in hopes that she will never be forgotten.

King grabbed a sledgehammer and ran over to the spot where her body was found, hitting it repeatedly. King said it was her way to get her anger and frustration out over the death of her great niece.

"It's a sense of relief. I'm not so angry anymore. I can finally find peace within myself. You know, because when something like this very tragic happens, to be honest, it makes people very, very angry and I can only speak for myself," King said.

Caraway said once the debris is cleared a tree will be planted on the lot in Randle's memory. He's also directing the city to purchase the vacant home next door, tear it down and possibly build a park dedicated to Randle.

Dallas County District Attorney Faith Johnson issued a statement that said while the investigation continues into the two deaths, her office had no objections to the demolition.

Dallas police arrested six people connected to the crime but so far no one has been charged with the murders.