Father, son find Zales gift bag in Manayunk; searching for owner

What would you do if you found a gift bag with a piece of jewelry inside? 

A Manayunk man and his 8-year-old son are trying to do the right thing. Now they're on a mission to find the bag's rightful owner, and they're using social media to solve the mystery.

What we know:

"My son and I were walking down Main Street, and he noticed the bag underneath the red car," said Will Hummel.

It wasn't just any bag. It was a little shopping bag from Zales, the jewelry chain store. His 8-year-old son, Liam, crawled under the red Toyota Camry parked next to the Yarn Factory Lofts.

"He actually went under and said, 'Hey dad, there's a bag under here.' He grabbed it, pulled it out, and I was like, oh wow, a Zales bag. It looks like a Valentine's card and a Zales ring box. I looked at it, saw there was a ring in there, and took it back home," Hummel explained.

To keep it safe and do all he can to get it back to its rightful owner, with Valentine's Day just over two weeks away, Hummel is taking action.

Hummel didn't post a picture of the ring or the writing in the card so that only its rightful owner could identify both. 

What they're saying:

"What's your thought on this right now? Do you think someone even knows it's missing? That they dropped it?" Hummel was asked.

 "I would hope so. The writing that they did seems like they like the person a lot, and they hope things continue. It's really heartfelt and well-written, so I assume that they're probably looking for it," he replied.

He is hoping that anyone seeing this now on FOX 29 News or his Facebook post will reach out, be able to say what's in the card and what the ring looks like, and claim it.

"There's no receipt in the bag. There's no receipt. There's no name on the letter or the card. It's kinda hard to say who it's to or even call Zales and find out. There's no receipt. I just posted on Facebook to see if anyone would claim it," Hummel said.

"Just to reunite it with whoever it is who would like it and hopefully get it to them before Valentine's Day," he added.

While Hummel has the best intentions for the lost Valentine's gift, his son Liam, who found it, has his own romantic idea for it.

"It was a ring box, and he was like, 'Oh, give it to Mommy, give the ring to Mommy,'" Hummel said with a laugh.

What's next:

If you would like to claim your purchase, please reach out to Hummel via Facebook.

The Source: The information in this story is from the Hummel family.
