Four-year-old has CVS themed birthday party

Fayetteville, Ark. - Four-year-old Iris Gill really loves CVS.

Iris loves the pharmacy so much; she asked her mom if she could have a CVS themed birthday party.

Sarah Fortune Gill, the little girl's mother, said at first she wasn't sure if her daughter was serious.

"I didn't quite think she was serious at first," Gill told Buzzfeed. "So I asked her a few more times and, turns out, she was set on it."

Gill got to work on the CVS-themed party. But at first, she admitted, she found herself to be stumped.

"Once I realized Iris was for real, I started to get creative with it as much as I could," she said. "Which was tough because there literally was nothing to Google or search on Pinterest."

Regardless, Gill got creative and threw Iris a CVS themed birthday party- filled with CVS staples like Chapstick, bandages and pill containers full of Tic Tacs.

The CVS near the Gill's home even posted a special birthday message for Iris.

"One day it won't be so simple to make her happy," Gill wrote on her blog. "So for now I take her to CVS when we have a few extra minutes to spare and try my best to make her birthday party special, as tricky as it may be."