It might be a bad flu season, but will people get the flu shot?

The warnings are sounded every year. The flu season could be a bad one, so people should get a flu shot. But, many are still against getting the shot.

Jennifer Ross and others say no thanks to a flu shot.

"I got the flu shot one year and I never got the flu so bad in my life, like right after the flu shot, so I just don't do it," Ross says.

"I never got a flu shot. Why? I feel like if I catch a flu shot, I'm gonna catch the flu," Cedric Cannon says.

But, Doctor Mike Cirigliano says this is the year to get one, and a flu shot will not give a person the flu.

"You cannot get the flu from a flu vaccine. It's dead," Doctor Cirigliano says.

The vaccine does stimulate your immune system and can cause an achy feeling.

"It's much better to have a little bit of flu-like symptoms after a flu shot than to have the real thing," Doctor Cirigliano explains.

Already, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting sporadic cases of the flu here, and because of the high numbers in South America, where winter just ended, the United States may be next.

"I'm anticipating a bad year," Doctor Cirigliano says.

He admits, it's hard to predict how bad and even more challenging to predict the strain of flu. Last year's vaccine was only 20 percent effective.

"Even if the flu shot is not an exact match, in many instances, your symptoms will be less," Doctor Cirigliano explains.

And, if a person has had the flu, it isn't difficult to forget.

"I got very sick, very dehydrated, hard to keep food down. And, being diabetic, the foods are very important," says Corey Backus.

The memory of being sick with the flu may lead a person to want to get the vaccine. Still, not everyone is fully sold.

"If I go for a doctor's checkup and they recommend it, I'll take it but I won't go out of my way to get one," says Darrell Defreitas.

And, Doctor Mike Cirigliano's response?

"It's a no brainer. Get the flu shot. It's the best way to prevent the flu," Doctor Cirigliano says.

So, has this changed Jennifer Ross's mind?

"Still not gonna get it," Ross says.