Missing Paulsboro snake found

A missing snake in Paulsboro has been found. A neighbor found the snake hiding in a bush outside a home.

"Oh my God, oh my God," screamed neighbors who watched from a safe distance as two men tried to wrangle a missing boa constrictor finally found hiding in a bush after it got away from its owner late Tuesday night.

"I made a cage out of the closet and she happened to escape in the middle of the night," said Shamus Mount, relieved after being reunited just before 8 o'clock Wednesday evening with his 7-year-old pet snake. He was worried sick after she disappeared.

"She ain't do nothing. She just went right out of the window. I guess she just wanted fresh air," he said.

The neighborhood went into a panic after word spread that the 60 pound 10-12 foot snake was on the loose. Sam and Roberta Simon say their daughter saw it under their front porch on East Jefferson Street Tuesday night as she brought their dog in from a walk.

"I said a snake? I said what kind of snake? A black snake? She said no, it's this great big exotic snake," said Sam.

Paulsboro Police and Animal Control responded but the snake disappeared back under the porch and into a hole.

"The animal guy said that these snakes are very, very powerful. He said he will not go under there if the snake is under there because they're too strong. He said it'd take 3 or 4 guys to actually hold that snake," said Sam.

Irma Stevenson lives next door and was worried about having a run in with the snake.

"No, no, no, no. That's longer than me. I don't care if it's not venomous. I don't like snakes," said Stevenson.

Roberta Simon got the nerve to get up close. She touched the snake and said, "I'm so happy you're alright."

Shamus says he plans to work on a more secure enclosure for his snake. He walked off happy she's alive.

"I was just worried about her. I knew she wasn't going to hurt anybody. I just didn't want her to get hit by a car or something," he said.

Police say they double checked the law and found it is legal to have a boa constrictor here as a pet in your home.