Mom dies day after giving birth to healthy son

Funds are pouring in for a family in Louisiana left reeling over the death of a new mom who went into cardiac arrest just a day after giving birth to a healthy baby boy. Sarah Bertrand, 29, gave birth to Julian Charles Montou on May 9, according to the family's GoFundMe page.

"Just over 24 hours later, at roughly 4:50pm on May 10th, 2017, Sarah died to a pulmonary embolism that stopped her heart instantly," Jean-Luc Montou, Bertrand's partner, posted in part on GoFundMe. "We did not have life insurance for Sarah, so I'm left with my daughter Jane and my brand new son Julian with nothing to help."

Photos posted to Montou's Facebook page show the happy family cuddling newborn Julian after his birth. Follow-up posts feature Montou's daughter Jane, from a previous relationship, holding her new baby brother alongside the caption "My world right now. Holding me together."

His initial May 11 post informing friends and family of Bertrand's tragic death had garnered more than 3,000 likes and nearly 600 shares as of Monday morning.

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