Mom posts viral photo of premature daughter sporting a huge grin

(Inside Edition) An adorable photo of premature baby smiling in the NICU has gone viral on social media, and although she's almost two now she still sports the same cheesy grin.

Lauren Vinje, who shared the photo of her daughter on the Love What Matters Facebook Page, said the photo she took of her now 1-year-old when she was still in the hospital was a source of encouragement for their family during those hard days.

"She was happy to be alive! This picture was one I looked at often to get me through the ups and downs of our NICU days. Life is so precious," Vinje wrote on the FB photo, which has been shared more than 300,000 times.

In the photo Freya Vinje was only five days old and weighing in at a small 3 lbs and 4 ounces, Lauren told She was born premature due to Vinje's preeclampsia.

Vinje would spend every day and night in the hospital with Freya while her husband had to continue to work.

"My husband was at work so I was taking a picture to send to him and just happened to catch her huge smile! When I looked at it I couldn't even believe it! It instantly became our favorite photo," Vinje said.

"There were days and nights I would feel really lonely and looking at her photo always put a smile on my face. It reminded me that everything was going to be okay."

And today, Freya who is happy and healthy is still smiling just as bright.