Mom's epic meltdown inside airport caught on camera after flight is delayed by 12 hours

(INSIDE EDITION) - A furious mother was caught on camera berating American Airlines staff after her flight from New York's LaGuardia Airport to Miami had been delayed for 12 hours, thus delaying the start of her Disney cruise vacation.

The airport tirade happened last month during the extreme weather in New York, but passengers were first told the delay was due to mechanical issues.

The mother was enraged and told staff: "I'm sorry, you lied to me. You lied to me. I'm sitting here since 8 o'clock with a nine-year-old who's waiting for her vacation and my 13-year-old and me. And you're telling all this s*** to all these people! If there's no flight just say: 'There's no flight!'"

As other passengers crowded the information desk, many stood in silence as the frustrated mother torn into the staff.

"Don't give me this s*** anymore," she screamed. "And you're all going to pay for my Disney cruise and you're going to pay for everything else here."

During her tongue lashing, she demanded to get the staffs information.

"I'm getting everyone's name here because you're all in s***," she said.

IE spoke with Jade Weng, the woman who shot the video of the airport tirade that is being seen around the world.

"She was the first one to meltdown and the crowd got further agitated," Weng said. "Had there been a more clear and transparent communication, we would have been more understanding."

When Weng posted the video to YouTube, she wrote: "The flight was delayed for 12 hours and finally canceled. Passengers had been waiting since 7pm on 3/24. This was recorded at 2am 3/25. Situation then escalated after as the gate agent called the cops on the passengers after 2am. The lack of communication and sympathy from American Airlines is just unbelievable. No hotel voucher was given. Only a $12 food voucher at 2am."

The video also showed one of the young daughters in tears and clutching a stuffed animal. She walked toward the mother and attempts to calm her down by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"It's my right of getting what we want. We're waiting all our lives for this," the mother said. "I'm waiting for this Disney cruise for a year already."

Weng told IE that she "definitely sympathized" with the mother's behavior and situation at the time.

"This could have been resolved much more gracefully," Weng said.

Cops were eventually called after airline staff was confronted with even more angry passengers.
The flight was eventually canceled, but according to Disney, the mom did make it on her Disney cruise.

In a statement from American Airlines to IE, the company said: "We do apologize that passengers on American Airlines flight 2240 were delayed due to inclement weather at New York's LaGuardia Airport. The inbound aircraft, which was coming from Miami, diverted to Philadelphia due to high winds at LaGuardia. The Federal Aviation Administration had air traffic control ground stops/ground delay programs in effect due to weather, which resulted in the diversion of the aircraft."