Mother says her child was bitten at day care

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) The pictures would make any parent upset. 1-year-old Savan'ah's mother says another child at her day care bit her repeatedly.

The mother says staff at Brightside Academy on Front and Eerie in Hunting Park told her another child bit Savan'ah when they both reached for the same toy. This allegedly happened Tuesday.

However, the mother is upset because she says it's not the first time this has happened. She claims her child was bitten three other times over the past two months; once on her finger and twice on her arm. She doesn't feel the daycare is taking it seriously.

"The child is 1-year-old. I don't have an issue with the child. Kids do bite. I'm not upset with the mother neither. She's not the one watching my child," said mother Veronica Figueroa."I'm upset that these people get paid to do their job at the end of the day this is your job. This is your focus to watch these kids and I feel my daughter wasn't being watched right."

In the meantime, she has taken her daughter out of the day care.