New Jersey state troopers rescue 3 puppies from 10-foot trench using mop, rope

A terrifying ordeal had a happy ending thanks to the quick-thinking actions of a group of troopers.

Three puppies got trapped in an irrigation trench after wandering off into the woods in Hamilton Township, according to a Facebook post by New Jersey State Police.

The trench was approximately 10 feet underground, requiring a rescue from some local heroes who set out to save the puppies by any means.

"While we do not teach puppy saving techniques in the academy, the troopers created a makeshift catch pole using a mop handle and rope.," the post explained.

Several hours later, two of the three puppies had been pulled from the trench. However, it all proved too tiring for the third puppy who "decided to take a nap."

"The troopers returned the next day to save the third puppy who was now wide awake and waiting to be rescued," police said.

Now all three puppies are safe, and at least one has been adopted with the "perfect" name - Trooper!