Officials Say Symbols of Hate Appeared Inside Residence Hall at Rowan

Glassboro, NJ (WTXF) Officials at Rowan say swastikas and other anti-Semitic markings appeared inside a residence hall.

This is not the first time this month those symbols have appeared in the residence hall. According to officials this has happened twice in the last 15 days. The hateful symbols were scratched into the interior doors and walls in Chestnut Hall at Rowan University. The residence hall is about 30 years old and is not equipped with cameras.

"It's college. We should be more mature than that," one student told FOX 29.

The president of the university blasted the "shameful acts" in an email to students and said he would not stand for intolerance at Rowan.

It remains unclear if a student, visitor or unwanted guest was responsible.