Police officer gets on the floor to comfort young boy who was having a 'bad day'

The sweet moment when an Indiana State police officer got on ground to comfort a 4-year-old boy at school has captured the hearts of many.

The viral photo shows Sergeant Precious Cornner-Jones laying on the floor with the little one at a "high five" rally at Indianapolis Public School 88 after the young boy fell on the floor.

Cornner-Jones told InsideEdition.com that she noticed the boy was having a bad day when she was greeting the kids at the event that she attended in support of her pastor.

"The little boy came through the line and he just had this look on his face and he wasn't in a good mood," Cornner-Jones said.

Cornner-Jones said she saw his mother nearby and they made eye contact. She picked the boy up and said, "Hey Buddy, What's up?"

But, when she put him down he fell to the ground. According to Cornner-Jones, his mom said he has been expressing himself that way recently. So, she layed on the floor with him and asked him what was wrong.

Cornner-Jones said the boy shed a few tears, but she let him know that whatever was wrong it would be okay, and then wiped his tears.

By the time the encounter ended and the boy got up, he was reportedly grinning.

"I just wanted him to feel love in that moment. It was a mommy moment really," said Cornner-Jones who has three children of her own.

The boy's mom later gave Cornner-Jones a hug and told her thank you.

The photo quickly went viral when Cornner-Jones posted it to her Facebook.

"Out of all of this I just want everyone to see that it's about spreading love and changing the narrative between the community and police officers... just getting down on people's level," said Cornner-Jones.