Police: Pills smuggled into Burlington County school inside doughnut

Bordentown NJ (WTXF) Police say they arrested two people for drug violations after an investigation found that they attempted to smuggle narcotics into the Bordentown Regional High School.

"It's kind of shocking for me because my daughter's been at the high school and we never experienced anything like that," said a parent.

Parents of students at Bordentown Regional High School can't believe what police say was uncovered inside a paper bag delivered to the school.

"To hear something like that and for them to have access to deliver something, and that extreme, it's hard to believe," said Vicky Perez.

It was around noon Wednesday when police say 21-year-old Brian Perry walked into the main office with a paper bag and drink claiming to drop off lunch for a senior he identified as 18-year-old Ilker Ceylan. School administrators were suspicious and opened the bag when Perry left. Police say inside was a doughnut with six Xanax pills inside a sandwich bag stuffed in the center hole.

"I'm pretty impressed that they noticed something and took the opportunity to look and found out what it was and stopped it from being circulated throughout the school," said Sherrie Philburn whose son Trevor is a senior at the school.

"We have some people who are like good students and we have like the sketchy side of the school. So you can kind of tell who is going to get in trouble," said Trevor.

Police arrested and charged Perry with possession and intent to distribute. He posted bail. Ceylan was also charged with intent to possess and intent to distribute.

"It's shocking. I mean you just can't approach someone and give them a bag and say it's for my friend and then find something like that in it and not like question it," said Perez.

Police say Ceylan is also facing additional charges after he was arrested Monday during a motor vehicle stop. They say he was in possession of a jar of marijuana.