Police: Student who shot self in school bathroom planned school massacre

An Ohio student who fatally shot himself in his school's restroom last week intended to carry out a school shooting "bigger than anything this country's ever seen," authorities said.

Seventh-grader Keith Simons, 13, concealed a .22-caliber gun under his shirt as he rode a bus to Jackson Memorial Middle School on Feb. 20, where he reportedly went to the restroom immediately and shot himself, FOX 8 reported.

Jackson Township Police announced Thursday that Simon's phone revealed he had been fascinated with school shooters, including the Columbine shooters.

FOX 8 reported that Simons had intended to conduct his own massacre "with an eight-step plan."

A portion of an entry dated Feb. 19 reads:

"(T)his will be bigger than anything this country's ever seen, … I've been planning this for a few weeks and thought about it a few months, I will never be forgotten I'll be a stain in American history and the Simons history, it's going to be so mutch [sic]. They won't expect a thing."

FOX 8 also reported that Simons had exited the restroom and was spotted by another student with the gun before he returned to the bathroom. The student who saw the gun reported it to school officials.

Police say they have not yet found further evidence of why Simons may have changed his mind on conducting a school shooting to taking his own life.

The investigating is ongoing.