Radio DJ locks himself in studio to play "Last Christmas" 24 times

A radio DJ in Austria went above and beyond to get his viewers in a Christmassy mood by locking himself in his studio to play a holiday classic on repeat.

According to the Independent, Joe Kohlhofer played Wham's 1984 hit "Last Christmas" on repeat for nearly 2 hours.

"Radiomoderator nervte mit Last Christmas" schreibt der "Kurier" in der heutigen Ausgabe 󾌸🗞 reports that he played the song 24 times during his breakfast show for the Antennae Carinthia station as his co-host, Patricia Jordan, watching through the glass.

Dozens of listeners called in asking him to stop, according to a video posted to the Antennae Carinthia YouTube channel.

However, he only ceased playing the song when his 4-year-old daughter called in to tell him she didn't like it, Metro reports.

The station has spoken out, saying that the stunt was not sanctioned. Tommy Schmid, deputy director, told the Kurier newspaper that Kohlhofer would face "consequences," NewsTalk reports.

But Kohlhofer isn't letting that get him down. He has posted multiple pieces of media coverage on his Facebook page, saying that he felt "proud."

The station also joined in and made the most of all the attention. They covered the incident on their website as well.

Nach 24x Last Christmas in zwei Stunden bedankt sich das Antenne-Team nochmals recht herzlich bei Joe Kohlhofer! Wir wünschen ihm einen schönen Urlaub... im Foyer. #Fesselspiele