Radnor Township Police Investigate Strong Arm Robbery

Radnor Township, Pa. (WTXF)-Police say they are searching for a man who robbed a woman in Radnor Township in broad daylight.

"That's crazy. I never heard of anything like that," said Kristen Dressel. She got some unnerving news while out jogging Tuesday evening. She found out that a 19-year-old woman was robbed while out for a run just like Kristen.

"You're not thinking someone's going to be following you and trying to rob you while you're just trying to get your workout," said Kristen.

Around one o'clock Monday afternoon the 19-year-old was mugged at Bailey and Fitzwilliams Road in the Bryn Mawr section of Radnor Township, according to police. It happened just a block away from where Kristen jogs.

"Especially, like in the middle of the day just going for a run in broad daylight. That's crazy," she said.

Radnor Township Police say the victim is a college student who was jogging through a neighborhood on the way to a local park when the suspect approached her. Police say she was wearing ear buds and didn't hear the guy coming.

"She ended up feeling somebody grab her by the waist, pull her backwards and she began to struggle. The male pulled himself away from her and grabbed her cell phone and ear buds," said Lt. Christopher Flanagan.

People in the neighborhood where it happened are stunned.

"I have an 18-year-old daughter that's in college right now and she comes home on the weekends so I obviously don't like it but I hope we find out soon who it is," said Lyle Rutty.

Lauren Milligan read about it on the neighborhood Face Book page.

"My son walks to the bus stop up here so now I'm making him walk up Conestoga. It's nerve wracking because we're out here all the time," said Milligan.

Police say cell phone thefts are common everywhere but they haven't had any recent incidents like this here.

"They get a lot of money for these cell phones. It cost this guy nothing. He gets 100-200 dollars to wipe it out and sell it on the black market. And they're out there. I was just on a website today where they sell used things and local and there's probably over 30 phones since this incident happened," said Detective T.J. Schreiber.

Police say the victim got only a vague description of the suspect before he took off running.