Single Dad Masters Doing His Daughter's Hair, Then Starts A Class To Teach Others

After becoming a single dad when his daughter, Emma, was just one year old, father Philippe Morgese realized he would need to teach himself to do his daughter's hair.

He mastered the skill, and now wants to share his knowledge with other dads.

Morgese started out with easy styles using hair clips. But as Emma grew, he moved on to more complicated hairstyles.

Not really sure what to call it, but Emma said she wanted this for her tv appearance. Lol

I'll call this one a braided reverse fishtail. Emma wanted more than a "regular ponytail" for our trip to the museum :)So glad it's Friday!

"I love the time spent with her and she loves the cool hair, so it's a win-win," he said.

Morgese began to get compliments on Emma's hair, and started being approached by other dads asking him for advice on how to do their daughters' hair.

"I thought it would be easier to show them in person," Morgese told Buzzfeed.

He decided to get a group of single dads together to teach them his tricks of the trade when it comes to doing his daughter's hair. Morgese then realized this group would be a great way to help other dads and give back to his community.

We just finished our goody bags for the dads. I'll be sending them off with a few of the necessary things to do hair....

"I get a lot of credit for doing her hair and hear compliments about my role as a father because of it," he said. "I want other dads to be able to experience that."

Morgese reached out to a local beauty school and asked them if they would provide a space free of charge. He said he wasn't sure what response he would get, but beauty school thought it was a great idea.

He then set a date for the class and began to advertise via Facebook. He also announced he would be providing the class free of charge.

"I didn't want any cost to anybody -- I didn't want to stop anyone from learning," he said.

Seven dads and daughters showed up to the first class where they practiced "some basics with hair combing, ponytails, a bun, and a three-strand braid," Morgese told Buzzfeed. "There was some struggling, but all the dads really put in the effort," he added.

Thrilled with the turnout, he decided to share photos of the event on Reddit to hopefully inspire others.

Since the initial post the pictures have been viewed almost 2 million times.