Students outraged after more racial slurs discovered at Cabrini University

More racial slurs were discovered at Cabrini University in Radnor. Tonight, the school administration is meeting with students as many are outraged to what is happening on their campus.

Brierra Woods is angry and frustrated over a second discovery Tuesday of racial slurs on dorm room doors.

READ MORE: Cabrini University, police probing slur on student's door

"Something needs to be done about it," Woods told FOX 29 Tuesday night. "I'm outraged by it. I feel like this is ridiculous.The women who experienced this. They were definitely targeted."

The second incident occurred in the same freshman dorm where similar messages and racial slurs were found over the weekend.

Meghan Dougherty says she knows one of the African American students affected.

"It hits really close to home because it's usually pretty united here," Dougherty said.

The words 'Go Away Too' with a racial slur beneath it was found for a second time, along with a third message. Students say police removed the doors where the messages were written.

"Things like that are really hurtful to hear from your friends and see your friends go through things like that. You think you're accepted here," Dougherty added.

On Tuesday night, students made their way to Widener Hall to meet with school officials and Radnor police. Others showed signs of support towards the affected students.

"The students have been there fully for their fellow students and that's really what we stand for," Jeff Gingerich, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Cabrini, said.

Students we spoke with say they want a full investigation by the university and Radnor police. They're hoping whoever is doing this gets caught quickly.

"Our top priority right now is making sure that our students feel safe and they have their questions answered," Gingerich added.

The university is also offering counseling to all students and holding town meetings to address the situation.

Radnor police continue to investigate.