Turkey found at playground spends Thanksgiving in Schuylkill Center wildlife clinic
RHAWNHURST, P.a. - Tom the turkey is one lucky bird after he was rescued from a Northeast Philadelphia playground before potentially becoming someone’s Thanksgiving dinner.
A domestic turkey was found in a Rhawnhurst playground Wednesday night and is spending Thanksgiving Day at the Schuylkill Center's wildlife clinic for treatment by ACCT, the city's animal control organization.
According to Sydney Glisan of Schuylkill Center Wildlife Clinic, the turkey is a juvenile and is probably several months old.
They are unsure whether Tom the Turkey is a male or female.
"This is one lucky turkey," said Glisan, assistant director of the Schuylkill Center's wildlife clinic in Upper Roxborough. "He has been spared from the Thanksgiving table and will live out his life in comfort at a local rescue farm."
Originally, the turkey was described to be a wild one, but they say it is likely a Black Turkey.
In a full circle moment, our FOX 29 photographer, George Roach, captured the turkey at the scene with police presence one day prior.

Tom the Turkey is suffering from mild trauma and will spend close to a week at the clinic before being transferred to a local rescue farm.
The bird's Thanksgiving dinner consists of game bird crumble, and a side of live mealworms.
The Schuylkill Center's wildlife clinic treated 3,000 animals this year. To support the clinic, visit https://www.schuylkillcenter.org/