Two women discovered they are each other's doppelganger while studying abroad

Two women recently found out they were each other's doppelganger after randomly meeting at the university where they were both studying abroad.

Two complete strangers Ciara and Cordelia went on a year long study abroad scheme. After many people pointed out their similarities they took a photo and the result was amazing!Check out a video we made of the pair, it's pretty uncanny!

Cordelia Roberts, from the United Kingdom, and Ciara Murphy, from Ireland, are both currently studying at Bremen University in Germany.

According to Buzzfeed, while on a night out, the two girls met and ended up posting a selfie on Facebook showing their stark similarities. It quickly went viral.

The Twin Strangers blog, which aims to find everyone's doppelganger, caught wind of the two and put a video together about them.

"When I was going on nights out, people were starting to ask me did I come here with a sister, or a twin," Murphy told Twin Strangers. "I was just like, 'No, I'm completely on my own out here.'"

And now ever since they noticed their similar looks and posted the selfie, they've been known as the "twins" around campus.