Wanted: Suspects for aggravated assault at 7-Eleven in Oak Lane
OAK LANE, Pa. (WTXF) - Eric Ghori never saw it coming when police say a female driver purposely ran him over in the parking lot outside the 7-Eleven where he works in Oak Lane.
"I thought maybe they gonna kill me," Ghori told FOX29 Monday night.
The 27-year-old father of three said the female customer and a male companion were inside the store moments before the incident. When they left the store, surveillance video shows her driving her car erratically in the parking lot, just missing people.
"You can see clearly in the video when she initially reverses one of the individuals' falls in the parking lot and does a front somersault," Lieutenant Daniel Brooks of Northwest Detectives told FOX 29.
"I thought they left and they came back again to the parking lot," Ghori explained.
Ghori said he told the couple earlier not to come back to the store after he suspected the male suspect of shoplifting. Then as he stood with his back to the lot just outside the front door, surveillance cameras caught the driver plowing into Ghori, then into the store.
"Very lucky to be alive. The rate of speed you can see in the video she basically pins him between the building," Lieutenant Brooks added.
Ghori suffered a broken foot, several broken bones in his hand and bruises to his face. The crash also knocked down the front facade and broke a big plate glass window.
"This female driver posed a serious threat to everyone out there," The Lieutenant explained.
Ghori says he does not have insurance to cover the cost of his injuries. He just returned to work. He hopes someone will recognize the suspects from the video and call the police.