Woman battling brain cancer meets Taylor Swift in Philly

Lexi Caviston is fighting an aggressive form of brain cancer, and her best friend recently made it her mission to make Lexi's dream come true: meeting pop superstar Taylor Swift at her concert in Philadelphia.

That dream turned into reality on Saturday as Lexi was photographed alongside the superstar herself.

The social media campaign #LexiStrong aimed to capture Swift's attention, for the purpose of meeting Lexi, leading up to Saturday's concert.

The campaign received a boost when Meghan McCain joined the effort, tweeting at Swift. Like McCain's father, Sen. John McCain, Lexi suffers from glioblastoma.

"Hey Taylor Swift- we have never met, but anyway can you meet Lexi at your concert in Philly?" McCain tweeted. "She is fighting the same glioblastoma cancer my father has and this would make both of our days!"

MORE: Woman battling brain cancer hopes to meet Taylor Swift in Philly

Lexi and her best friend, Alexandra, joined Good Day Philadelphia on Wednesday to make their case to the pop icon.


Meghan McCain shared Lexi's story on The View following the much anticipated meetup.