Woman shares emotional letter from her mother written before her death

A woman from New Haven, Indiana, shared an emotional letter left to her by her mother before she died, containing some poignant advice that moved her to remind readers to "hug your parents" while you still can.

Hannah Summers, a nursing student at Indiana University, shared the letter to Twitter on November 1. Hannah's mother, Margaret 'Peggy,' died on October 31 after being diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer last summer. Peggy wrote each of her children a personalized letter before she died.

She began the letter by writing: "If you are reading this then the surgery did not go well.

"Please don't be mad, bad things happen in life and we have to learn to deal with it no matter how much it hurts," she wrote.

"Remember that I am still with you and still just as proud of you as I always have been."

Hannah shared photographs of the letter to Twitter on November 1, saying: "Before my mom passed she wrote us all letters. this is mine. Please hug your parents a little closer and never take them for granted because you never know when you could lose them. I love you momma."