120 graduate fire academy in Bucks County to become volunteer firefighters
BUCKS COUNTY, Pa. - It's graduation season and one graduation ceremony held Tuesday was extra special. The men and women who graduated could one day save your life.
"My son Zachary. Where's his name? Zachary Eiden," said Julie Davis as she showed FOX 29's Shawnette Wilson her son's name on the program list of fire academy graduates. 25-year-old Zachary has earned his certification to become a volunteer firefighter.
"He's very excited for tonight. He worked hard for this," she said.
Zachary was one of more than a 100 men and women to graduate the Public Safety Training and Certification Program.
"I'm proud of him. I think it's a good decision," said Julie. The ceremony was held at Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pa. Officials say there's a critical need for volunteer firefighters in Pennsylvania.
"There's training commitment, there's time to invest in the community and there’s fundraising," said Bob Grunmeier. He’s the Executive Director of Bucks County Community College Public Safety and Certification.
Zachary will be assigned to the Montgomery Township Fire Department.
"I have a family in law enforcement and I went the opposite route going in firefighting but that was the main reason to give back,” said Zachary.