4-year-old takes newly-divorced mom out on Valentine's Day date

A 4-year-old boy took his mom out for a Valentine's Day date and the adorable story is going viral.

All of the shops make such a big thing about Valentine's Day and I was secretly dreading it as I am recently divorced...

Little Max found out that his newly divorced mom, Emma Schofield from England, didn't have a date for Valentine's Day, so he made it his mission to make the day special for her.

According to the Huffington Post, when the two went grocery shopping this past weekend, Max discreetly slipped some presents into their shopping cart.

"My son told me to close my eyes, which I kept partially open to see what he was up to," Schofield explained in a Facebook post.

She added that Max picked out a card and a teddy bear for her.

"My eyes welled up as we continued to shop."

Then, on Valentine's Day, Max asked if he could take his mom out on a date to a nearby Italian restaurant and offered to pay for the dinner with a jar of pennies that he had been saving for months.

"Of course, I was the designated [chauffeur]," Schofield wrote on the Spotted Newton Abbot Facebook page.

At the restaurant, Schofield and her son enjoyed a three-course meal.

"We had this wonderful meal and Max's manners were impeccable," Schofield told Yahoo News. "He was ordering things and being so polite."

When the meal ended and Max prepared to pay the bill, a waitress came up to their table in tears. She explained that she and her coworkers were so touched by the mother-son date that they offered their meal free of charge.

"This extremely kind gesture left me crying with happiness and holding onto my son with pure joy!" Schofield wrote.

The manager of the restaurant, Julie Clifford, said that the restaurant staff could see how much care Max had put into the date.

"He clearly wanted to create a special moment for her," Clifford told Yahoo News. "And I'm only too glad that we could assist."