9 arrests after woman shot & her children beaten

Family members are terrorized in their own home and beaten -- one person was even shot. Now several people are charged in the violent home invasion. Detectives say four criminals turned a northwest Harris County family's home into a torture chamber.

"It was very traumatic for the entire family," explains Harris County Precinct 4 Constable Mark Herman.

Down a normally quiet road and inside their home, a man, his wife and their young children were brutalized after burglars broke in.

"They ended up pistol whipping the folks at the house and actually shot one of the homeowners," adds Constable Herman, who adds that the children's mother was shot as she barricaded herself in a bedroom while trying to escape the violent intruders. "And she was trying to hold the door shut and when she did that they began to shoot through the door."

The woman survived.

Constable Herman says the thieves took cash and valuables from the home. He also says that the investigation led to Castlemont Lane, just one block away from the house that was broken into on Hedgewick Court.

"Which made it pretty easy for us to track them down," says Constable Herman.

Four people, 21-year-old Darius Doyle, 20-year-old Myles Kurtz, 18-year-old Jeffery Wilson and 24-year-old Morgan Wilson are all charged with aggravated robbery. Doyle has been arrested. Kurtz and both Wilsons are still on the loose.

"We recovered a lot of the items that were taken in the home invasion," says Constable Herman. "We also recovered other property from other burglaries in the area."

Investigators actually arrested nine people at the house in the neighborhood where the break-in happened including Joshua Arbelo, Joshua Lopez, Deondre Dejour, Taylor Tobias, Amber Diaz, Emily Carr and unnamed juveniles. All of them are charged with felony drug possession.

"When you take this many criminals off the street, there's going to be a huge impact and crime should decrease in that area," says Constable Herman. He adds that the three wanted fugitives should be considered armed and dangerous.