Baby wakes from coma days after doctors wanted to cut life support

When doctors in a hospital in Marseille, France, didn't believe that one-year-old Marwa could wake up from a coma, she surprised everybody when on November 22 she opened her eyes for the first time since September.

Doctors at the Timone hospital in Marseille induced a coma in Marwa in September to protect her from a virus that was threatening her whole body.

After no clear improvement and little hope for survival, doctors recommended that Marwa be taken off life support. But her father, Mohammed Bouchenafa, said his little girl was getting better, so he started an online petition to stop the discontinuation of life support. With the help of the petition, a judge granted Marwa another two months of breathing assistance. To everyone's surprise, Marwa woke up on November 22 and is rapidly recovering.

Marwa's parents took this video the day their daughter woke up from the coma.

Video Credit: Facebook/Jamais Sans Marwa via Storyful