Big Kids, Little Kids Celebrate Christmas

What started a high school toy drive for some kindergartners ends in a great way: It turned into a beautiful partnership between schools.

Belting out Christmas carols- dancing and laughing the good elves from Paul Robeson High for Human Services- are changing the lives of the little folks from Martha Washington Elementary one song and story at a time.

Bright-eyed,and full of wonder- the Kindergartners are rapt- listening as the big kids read,.

Leading by example- the big kids change lives one smile at time. They got their whole school to donate and wrap these gifts.--

That's the sound of pure joy!A game, a doll, a doctors set..

The giving isn't just a one day thing- all the big folks in antlers are seniors from Robeson's National Honor Society.

It's amazing, this is what we signed up for at the National Honor Society, we signed up for community service to see all these people happy makes us so happy.

And they're in it for the long haul- what started as a toy drive- is now a promising partnership

"We're going to next stop so we should help them make it to the next step as well."

They said they wanted to tutor or mentor our kids, we said absolutely and jumped right on it.

The focus may be on the little kids- but, truly it's hard to say- who's getting more.

We can give them content knowledge, but to teach them to love their community love other people is what really really matters.