Breast cancer survivor tells her story through powerful video

A breast cancer survivor teamed up with beauty retailer Ulta to share her story in an extremely powerful YouTube video.

The video begins with Tracy saying how horrible her cancer diagnosis is. She says that it was "going to take away [her] beauty."

As the video continues, the progression of Tracy's chemotherapy treatments can be seen as her hair begins to fall out.

"Life is unfair," she says.

Then, Tracy says, "It's all beyond my control, and you will never heard me say, 'I am still beautiful.'"

However, then Tracy begins to say the exact phrases in reverse, and the story completely changes.

"I am still beautiful, and you will never hear me say, 'It's all beyond my control.'"

"Every day is beautiful, even if life is unfair.

"Don't try to convince me that this disease is going to take away my beauty."

Finally, the viewer sees Tracy getting her first haircut since chemotherapy, and she says, "I'll never forget this feeling."