Child leaves adorable note in library book

Found in the book drop @ Main Street branch :) Here's to many more nights falling asleep with a good book, Jackson!

TORONTO- A child from Toronto felt guilty after he accidentally ripped a page from a Asterix comic book.

The book was on loan from the Toronto library, so the child, named Jackson, decided the best way to apologize for incident, was to leave a short note in the pages of the book.

Staff from the Toronto public library discovered a note, scribbled in blue marker, deposited in the library's book drop.

"I am sorry that a page ripped when it fell out of my bunk when I fell asleep reading," the note reads. "It won't happen again. I'm sorry."

The library posted an image of the note on their Facebook page, simply saying, "Here's to many more nights falling asleep with a good book, Jackson!"

A spokesperson from the library told The Huffington Post in an email, "I think Jackson has reminded us - young and old alike - about the joy of reading, especially a good bedtime story!"