Crew removes electrical line from intersection in Fox Chase after 80 days

A crew removed an electrical line from an intersection in Fox Chase after 80 days.

FOX 29's Chris O'Connell reports.

A pile of freshly shoveled dirt is a welcome sight for residents of the 8200 block of Burholme Avenue after a downed temporary PECO electrical line had been draped across the intersection for 80 straight days.

"Every time I walk the dog I said, 'When are they going to clean this up?' and it went off PECO's radar, I guess," resident Linda Beck said.

Residents say the high-voltage lines laid across the street in November became a neighborhood nuisance and safety hazard. FOX 29 even saw residents moving those lines with their bare hands.

Well, a day and a half later after FOX 29 contacted PECO about the problem, crews got to work. An electrical crew contracted by PECO spent the day on Burholme repairing the downed line.

One resident texted Chris O'Connell saying, "80 days to do four hours worth of work. Potential disaster prevented. Thanks to you guys."