Darby Twp. commissioner apologizes for sharing meme on Facebook

A Darby Township commissioner is apologizing for sharing a meme on Facebook showing two men holding guns to a police officer saying, "Does it have to come to this to make them stop murdering and terrorizing us?"

Darby Township Commissioner Marvin Smith did not want to talk to FOX 29 on camera Friday about his decision to share a post on his Facebook page that has a lot people talking. 

The Delaware County District Attorney and county council sent a lengthy statement condemning Smith's shared post and said it not only threatens law enforcement but creates a divide in the community. 

The Fraternal Order of Police Delaware County Lodge 27 says they are calling on Smith to resign immediately. The township's website has Smith's responsibilities listed as "police" and the FOP says Smith just met with Darby Township's chief and officers about a month ago to express his support.

"A person like this making comments and making social media posts like this has absolutely no business being involved with law enforcement," Joseph Fitzgerald, president of FOP Delaware Lodge 27, said.

Smith posted an apology Friday that said in part, "I not only support good policing of our communities I welcome it and will continue to be a zealous ally of our friends in blue. I regret and whole-heartedly apologize if my sharing of that meme exacerbated any of the pain that individuals may be feeling."


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