Deformed Puppy Found in Cardboard Box on Street Gets Rescued by Passerby

A tiny puppy got a second chance at life after a kind man stopped on a street after seeing a deformed, abandoned dog inside a box.

Jene told the San Francisco SPCA that he saw people open the cardboard box and look inside, but walked away after they noticed her birth defect.

He grabbed the puppy, wrapped it in his shirt and brought her to the SPCA, where she was named Daffodil.

She was an excited little dog but to give her a life full of potential, they thought she would benefit from getting a set of wheels.

The rescuers measured Daffodil for her custom-fit fiberglass set of wheels.

After a few weeks, she was strapped in and took her first steps with the help of four wheels. She glided across the floor to the delight of the volunteers who cheered for her success of running properly for the first time.

The prosthetics company responsible for making Daffodil's wheels followed her journey to recovery.

One of their employees took a special interest in the puppy and when she found out that Daffodil didn't have a forever home, she flew from Colorado to adopt the special dog.

Daffodil will now be able to live out the rest of her life running and playing just like any other dog.

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