Elusive black bear finally tranquilized and caught in Roxborough

Helicopters buzzing the sky. Gawkers lined up like paparazzi and police warning residents a bear was on the loose.

Roxborough was bear country Thursday night.

FOX 29 viewers spotting the bear around Cathedral Village. The same bear game wardens think was spotted in Bucks and Montgomery County this week.

“This bear was very amped up trying to get away,” state game warden Tyler Barnes.

“It was on the move,” said Julia Kuneck.

Kuneck spotted the bear twice.

“I was trying to see if I could get my car by and I looked over. A big black bear on all fours,” Kuneck added.

Tracking paw prints, game wardens cornered and shot it with a tranquilizer. But, it didn’t work immediately and bear was back on the move.

“He went up, cut through this side. Went up and went to the side. And, went to the side again,” said Connor Getty.

As the hours went by, the crowds of curious onlookers grew.

Pennsylvania game wardens search for black bear roaming free in Roxborough.

Pennsylvania game wardens search for black bear roaming free in Roxborough.

“I have actually been following it since it was over in Cathedral Village. I left work for a little bit,” Cheryl McGarry said.

“You literally left work for a bear search?” asked FOX 29’s Chris O’Connell.

“I saw the bear, yeah,” said Rachel Quigley.

“What’s going through your mind?” asked O’Connell.

“It’s just crazy, he’s right in our neighborhood,” Quigley replied.

Then, just after 6 p.m., FOX 29 cameras were there when game wardens found the sleeping bear knocked out in the woods. He was carried to a trap, where he was last seen snoozing away.

Roxborough black bear

Roxborough black bear

He quickly became a local attraction. He’s on his way to a home far away from city life.

“It’s a bittersweet ending. It was a fun experience, but I’m glad to get him out of here and get him to a nice location to have his own spot,” Warden Barnes said.