Firefighter Proposes to Teacher While Wearing His Gear For Classroom Safety Demo

(INSIDE EDITION) A teacher was surprised to end her class one day with a ring on her finger after her firefighter boyfriend proposed while giving her students a fire safety demonstration.

Dave Royael, a New York City Firefighter dressed his girlfriend in his bunker gear in front of her students but little did she know, that he had a ring in the pocket. As the children giggled, Royael got down on one knee for a surprise proposal.

"Will you marry me? Ms. Natalie Moy, will you marry me?" the firefighter asked as he placed the ring on her finger.

After Moy said yes, the kids erupted in cheer and began screaming as the couple hugged in front of her entire classroom.

"I had no idea my fiance Dave Royael was going to propose that day. I didn't suspect anything. Even when I felt something in the left glove, it didn't occur to me that it might be a box with a ring," Natalie told INSIDE EDITION.

Moy said that her students called it the best day ever and told their parents that they thought they got married in the classroom.

The couple plans to marry in 2016 and is currently planning their wedding.

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