Foster Mother Makes Desperate Plea to Find Dog
The search is on for a missing dog. His owner is serving overseas in the military so the pup was staying at a foster home in Mays Landing, New Jersey, when he ran off. That was several days ago and now his foster mom is making a desperate plea for help in finding the Pit Bull mix. He hasn't been seen since July 2nd.
"I am devastated. I haven't slept. All I do is think about him--getting him back. That is my main concern," said Kathleen Mandrik, a PACT volunteer.
Kathleen is beside herself over the disappearance of Brody, a 2 and half year old, 90-pound Pit Bull mix.
Kathleen is a volunteer with PACT, which is a nonprofit that fosters dogs for military families who are deployed. She's been taking care of the Pit Bull mix for Air Force Master Sergeant Michael Llyod and his family for the last year and a half. Kathleen was out of town on Thursday while she says a friend let Brody and her two other dogs out the back door. The dogs are trained not to leave the yard but for some reason Brody took off.
"Being that it was the 4th of July weekend. I think fireworks had something to do with it--something startled him," she told FOX 29. "And he's never done this before--never done this before."
As soon as Kathleen, who is 8 months pregnant returned home, she started frantically searching for Brody.
"i just started driving around and I drove around til 2 o'clock in the morning trying to find him," she said.
She's been busy making signs when she's not out looking for Brody. A number of them are posted by her home on Strand Avenue in Mays Landing; however, she's hoping to get more up with the pup's picture.
The area is very wooded and that has Kathleen very worried.
"He's scared. He's never been in the woods before," she told FOX 29.
Kathleen is super attached to Brody, but she knows his family is even more so, especially 6-year-old Evan. She broke the news to them on Friday.
"Probably one of the hardest phone calls I have ever made," Kathleen explained.
Anyone with information is asked to visit the Facebook page setup for tips.