Gov. Wolf defends plan for election with new map

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- Pennsylvania's governor and elections officials want the state's highest court to stand by its ruling establishing new congressional districts.

Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and two Department of State officials responded Monday to a request by Republican legislative leaders to put on hold the week-old district map.

The Wolf administration argues House Speaker Mike Turzai and Senate President Joe Scarnati's request offers nothing new and should be turned down.

Turzai and Scarnati have a similar request pending with the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Wolf administration says it's moving ahead with the new map for the May 15 primary.

MORE: Pa. court issues overhauled congressional map | Pa. court throws out congressional map | Gerrymandering case sows doubt for House races

The court filing says putting the new map on hold "would confuse, complicate and undermine those preparations."

Republicans have held a 13-5 majority in the state's congressional delegation since passing a 2011 map.