Help the North Philly Blackhawks Travel to Nationals

PHILADELPHIA (WTXF) Success on the field may not be enough to get a North Philadelphia football team to the national championship.

Their biggest opponent may be something they cannot beat on the field--money. This team is facing a lot of obstacles to get to play for a title they have earned the right to fight for.

Many of Philadelphia's youth teams face financial challenges, and the North Philly Blackhawks are not unique in that way. They are; however, unique in the record they currently this season along with some of the obstacles they've already overcome off the field.

The North Philly Blackhawks are one of many youth football teams playing in the Philadelphia area. The 11 to 13-year-olds had an undefeated season and were invited to play in nationals in Florida, but getting them there costs $30,000. Money they don't have.

The Blackhawk's coach Ron Flowers, says that getting to nationals is a huge accomplishment; one he hopes these young people who did the right thing on and off the field get a chance to experience.

Another unique aspect of the team: their star player is a girl.

13-year-old Nadira Abdullah, the only girl on the team, loves the therapeutic aspect of playing football. After losing her mother to cancer earlier this year, Nadira continues to lead the team as the offensive line captain.

The Blackhawks are hopeful that Philadelphia will recognize how this opportunity means to them and provide them with some financial support in their quest to compete for the national title they've earned.

They have already received gift from the city and donations from friends and family, which put the Blackhawks half way to their goal.

To help fund the Blackhawks' journey to nationals, visit their GoFundMe page.