Michigan football's Jim Harbaugh helps police clear fallen tree in ice storm

An Ann Arbor police officer got a helping hand Wednesday night during the ice storm from University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh, according the department's Twitter account

Officer Howard Cooper was working to clear a large tree blocking the street at Devonshire and Londonderry at 8 p.m. when a van of a good Samaritan pulled up.

Out of the van came the U-M coach who wanted to help clear the road. The officer gave Harbaugh a pair of gloves and the two of them got to work.

Cooper's bodycam video of the incident was shared on Twitter.

"What's your name?" Harbaugh says.


"Nice to meet you, I'm Jim," Harbaugh said.

"You as well," the officer said. "Thank you sir. You're a good man."

"Feel free to spread the word on that," quipped Harbaugh. "Don't feel like you have to keep that to yourself."


"No way," Cooper said. "You're a good guy."

A massive ice storm had all of southeastern Michigan under a weather warning for nearly 24 hours Wednesday with widespread damage to trees and power lines.

Harbaugh then thanked the officer for what he does, before leaving the cleared scene.

"After about ten minutes they were able to, inch by inch, get the entire tree moved to clear a lane for traffic to pass through," AAPD tweeted. "We thank Coach Harbaugh for being a valued member of the Ann Arbor community and helping out Ofc Cooper."


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