Miss Puerto Rico Suspended Indefinitely After Barrage of Angry Anti-Muslim Tweets
INSIDE EDITION - Miss Puerto Rico has been suspended following reports she posted multiple anti-Muslim statements on Twitter.
Destiny Velez, 20, was reportedly tweeting at filmmaker Michael Moore when she said all Muslims have "terrorizing agendas" and need to take "their napkins off of their heads", among other shocking statements.
According to Huffington Post, the trouble started after Moore posted a photo of himself outside Trump Tower while he held a sign that read "We are all Muslim."
"All what Muslims have done is provided oil and terrorize this country and many others," she reportedly wrote from a Twitter account that has since been shut down. However, the messages can still be read at Latin Times.
"There's NO comparison between Jews, Christians and Muslims. Jews nor Christians have terrorizing agendas in their sacred books," she continued. "why do ppl want to separate Muslims from Isis when ISIS is a group of Muslim fanatics"
At least 10 of the anti-Muslim tweets--sent both directly to Moore and to his defenders--were reportedly sent from the @MissAmerica_PR.
As of Sunday, the account appeared to have been deleted.
However, the outrage had only begun and, in response, the Miss Puerto Rico organization suspended the beauty queen indefinitely.
On Saturday, the organization released a statement regarding to controversy.
"In regards to Miss Puerto Rico, Destiny Velez's, recent actions and conduct; the Miss Puerto Rico Organization feels that her words do not represent the integrity and esteem of our program," the statement read in part.
"Miss Velez's actions were in contradiction to the organization, and therefore as a consequence of her actions, she has been suspended indefinitely. The Miss Puerto Rico Organization will not tolerate any actions or behavior contrary to the Miss Puerto Rico Organization."
Velez also issued an apology through the organization:
"I apologize to the people I have offended with my words. I am first and foremost an #UpStander and as such I stand up against bullying.
"The last thing I wanted to do was to bully anyone. Again, I apologize to anyone who felt offended with my words."
The Miss Puerto Rico organization also issued a formal apology.
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