Model Loses Thousands of Instagram Followers after Sharing Real Photos

LONDON (WTXF) - The world of social media brings together users from around the world. Instagram has more than 400 million users posting photos about their experiences.

One woman's Instagram account had over 13,000 followers until she showed them a more personal side.

Stina Sanders, a model who has posed in publications like Maxim and FHM, says she lost followers after revealing herself without makeup.

She decided to change the photos she posted on her account after another model decided to post more realistic photos online. Instead of sharing fashion-spread inspired flicks, she posted photos of her facial hair treatment, colonic, chipped nail polish and therapy session.

"To see a photo of my bowel movements and not me in a bikini must have annoyed a lot of them," Sanders told Tab magazine. "It's that kind of 'I didn't sign up for this' attitude. Perhaps sharing my real life was too much for them. It's interesting to see that real life is not to everyone's taste. Perhaps Instagram is an escapism from reality. I see so many women comparing themselves to other people's images, whether that's the girl down the road or a Victoria Secret's model. It's just silly. No one is perfect."

Sanders' story about Instagram sparks a bigger debate on how social media reflects our society. What are your thoughts? Sound off on the FOX 29 Facebook page.