Model writes angry open letter after allegedly being dropped by her agency for being "too big"

A model took to Facebook to post an open letter claiming that she was put under pressure to lose weight became she was deemed "too big" - despite being a UK size 6 to 8.

23-year-old Charli Howard from southeast London did not name the agency that pressured her, but alleged that they dropped her from their roster for being too "out of shape", according to Daily Mail.

Howard has been modeling for six years and has worked for clients such as Harper's Bazaar and photographer Rankin.

She wrote about the criticism she received from her agency.

Here's a big FUCK YOU to my (now ex) model agency, for saying that at 5"8 tall and a UK size 6-8 (naturally), I'm "too...

"Here's a big [expletive] you to my (now ex) model agency, for saying that at 5'8' tall and a UK size 6-8 (naturally), I'm "too big" and "out of shape" to work in the fashion industry.

"I will no longer allow you to dictate to me what's wrong with my looks and what I need to change in order to be "beautiful" (like losing one [expletive] inch off my hips), in the hope it might force you to find me work.

"I refuse to feel ashamed and upset on a daily basis for not meeting your ridiculous, unobtainable beauty standards, whilst you sit at a desk all day, shovelling [sic] cakes and biscuits down your throats and slagging me and my friends off about our appearance.

"The more you force us to lose weight and be small, the more designers have to make clothes to fit our sizes, and the more young girls are being made ill. It's no longer an image I choose to represent.

"In case you hadn't realised, I am a woman."

Howard also claimed in her post that her hips specifically were seen as too big.

"I am human. I cannot miraculously shave my hip bones down, just to fit into a sample size piece of clothing or to meet 'agency standards'.

"I have fought nature for a long time, because you've deemed my body shape too "curvaceous", but I have recently begun to love my shape.

"I don't have big boobs, but my bum is OK plus, a large majority of my clients are OK with this.

"And anyway, let's face the facts: when I was seven and a half stone, I still wasn't thin enough for you.

"When I went to the gym five hours a week, you still weren't finding me work. I can't win."

Despite the setback, Howard wants to continue modeling, but with a different agency.

"Ironically, I do love modelling - the people I've met, the places I've visited and I am proud of the jobs I've done.

"I will continue to do it, but only on my terms. My mental and physical health is of more importance than a number on a scale, however much you wish to emphasise this.

"Until (and if) an agency wishes to represent me for myself, my body and the woman I've become, give me a call. Until then, I'm off to Nandos."

Since the message was posted, Howard says to Daily Mail that she has had a positive response and claims that she has been contacted by other models about their industry experiences.