Mom charged with strangling baby with Halloween lights tried to blame toddler
OVIEDO, Fla. (FOX NEWS/INSIDE EDITION) - A Central Florida mom is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of her 1-year-old daughter. Police say baby Mia was found with Halloween lights wrapped around her neck.
Then, Kristen De Pasquale called 911, claiming her 2-year-old son, Michael, choked his infant sister to death with the string of lights.
The 27-year-old mom told the 911 dispatcher last Thursday, "I was taking a shower and my kids were out here playing and I came out and her like, I have the Halloween lights and it was wrapped around her neck. I was gone for two seconds!"
De Pasquale said she desperately tried to revive the child.
But police say they got suspicious because the shower floor and towels were dry, indicating she was not in the shower when Mia was strangled.
Also, the medical examiner in Orlando said a toddler like Michael does not have the physical strength to strangle his baby sister.
Lt. Heather Capetillo of Oviedo police said, "Through the investigation, all the arrows pointed towards her."
The accused mom looked dazed when she appeared in court on Monday. She said only a single word.
The judge asked her, "Do you have any questions about your appearance here today?"
"No," she replied.
The shocked judge said: "No? Gook luck, Ma'am. I feel for you."
De Pasquale was held without bail.
Her public defender, Tim Caudill, would not comment on whether she was innocent or guilty.
"This is a terrible tragedy for everyone involved," Caudill told the Orlando Sentinel. "She's very upset. She lost a child, a child she loved very much."
Michael is now in the custody of a family member. As for the children's father, he's serving time in prison on unrelated charges.